A New Start for Farnham Town Centre Surgery
The Downing Street Practice in Farnham town centre is now moving to a new more modern facility just a few hundred metres away.
We have loved speaking to you on the doorstep and one thing our team has heard loud and clear is that you are very concerned about potholes on our roads. At the moment, we aren't in control of Surrey County Council and can only vehemently object to the terrible mismanagement of the outsourcing of our road maintenance at Surrey. Many potholes remain un-patched for months, presenting a safety risk to pedestrians, cyclists and cars.
As a team, as we are out and about we are reporting any we see to Surrey County Council. When they are eventually repaired, a road littered with potholes will only have those specifically reported filled in, leaving others only a few metres away untouched! A great example of this in on Arthur Road in Farnham. The team have had to report and report issues on this stretch of road multiple times. It has eventually been sorted and the road seems to have new surfacing on it, but yet still a few metres from where it stops, there are yet more potholes!
We refuse to keep quiet about this and accept the issue, therefore we are taking action. Please join us in calling for Surrey County Council to tell their contractors to look at the whole road when filling in potholes and to fix all the issues on the road, not just those reported. This will save the Council money in the long run and improve the quality of our roads. Sign our Pothole Petition today.