Introducing Laura Cavaliere for Witley & Milford
Lib Dem resident Laura will be the local champion we need and a strong voice for Witley, Milford and Brook at Waverley Borough Council.
The Liberal Democrats’ Laura Cavaliere bounded ahead of the Conservatives in Witley & Milford, in this week’s Waverley Borough Council by-election, despite Jeremy Hunt and his team throwing everything into the campaign.
Last year, your hardworking Lib Dem councillor Andy Law won in a difficult three-way election in Witley & Milford, securing his seat over the Conservatives by just seven votes. But, this time, residents overwhelmingly backed Lib Dem Laura with a much increased turnout, increasing the lead to 250 votes - and 9.8%.
The ward is in the heart of Jeremy Hunt’s constituency, which is predicted to be a tight election battle at the general election between the Conservatives and Lib Dem Paul Follows. The Chancellor was frequently spotted out and about in the villages, trying to drum up support, but to little avail, with voters giving Laura and the Liberal Democrats a resounding endorsement.
Laura Cavaliere raised concerns during the campaign about ensuring GP capacity in the villages through the provision of additional facilities, which has been a focus of the local Liberal Democrat team in relation to new developments.
The extension of Godalming’s successful Youth Service into Milford is part of a plan by local Lib Dems to tackle anti-social behaviour in parts of the Borough. With the Police & Crime Commissioner election on the same day, Lib Dem candidate Paul Kennedy had pledged to put more money into community policing to complement these initiatives, instead of being wasted on the political PCC role.
Cllr Laura Cavaliere will now join the Lib Dem-led Waverley Borough Council to push ahead with these initiatives, and keep delivering for residents all year round. She is absolutely delighted to have been successful in her bid to represent her neighbours and is looking forward to listening to local residents and taking action (and no more shouting at the news on TV!)