Spectacular wins for Lib Dems in council by-elections
Waverley Liberal Democrats are celebrating a trio of stunning victories in the local council by-elections that took place on Thursday (23rd June).
The Liberal Democrats are on track to win seats across the country at the next General Election, including right here in South West Surrey, following their historic by-election victory.
The Liberal Democrats won the once safe Conservative seat of North Shropshire, overturning the Conservatives majority of almost 23,000 votes. It is the second parliamentary by-election the Liberal Democrats have won against the Conservatives this year, following their victory in Chesham and Amersham over the summer.
The Liberal Democrats have also been winning locally in recent elections, including big gains at May's Surrey County Council elections where the Conservatives were reduced to just two county councillors out of nine in our area.
Lib Dem Paul Follows, who came a close second to the Conservatives here at the 2019 General Election, believes the party’s win in the North Shropshire by-election could pave the way for a win here next time round.
Paul said, “We saw in North Shropshire that people are fed up with being ignored and taken for granted by the Conservatives.
“In South West Surrey, just like in North Shropshire, voters can back the Liberal Democrats to send Boris Johnson’s Conservatives a clear message.
“If we can win in North Shropshire, then we can win here, where just a 7% swing from the Conservatives is required. It is clear the fight here will be a two horse race between the hard-working local Lib Dems and the out-of-touch Conservatives.
“I have been swamped by messages from local people who are appalled by Boris Johnson’s behaviour over alleged illegal parties under his own roof and his inability to be honest about it, as well as our Conservative MP for voting to protect his colleague Owen Paterson, who had been found to have broken rules over lobbying for cash. He not only voted for this, but was one of the signatories for the amendment.
"The result in North Shropshire, along with that in Chesham & Amersham earlier in the year, proves that the Conservatives can no longer take voters in the 'Blue Wall' for granted and that the Lib Dems can beat them in their traditional heartlands."
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